It is not easy to read every individual mail and then delete the ones that are not needed. One email a day makes the task easy as a large load of the work is shared by the company.
The well balanced mail management makes it easier to decide which mail to keep and which one to delete. If you plan to delete an entire group, you can even do that. Usually the folders are allotted for ‘read’, ‘unread’, SPAMs and ‘Marketing mails’. You can delete all the SPAM mails altogether. The marketing mails can be read whenever there is time for it. So, the mail recipient get to do the entire process in a well managed way. This mail ID can be shared with anybody, starting from dating sites, ecommerce sites, several vendors and other merchants. The subscriber won’t have to pay any money for the first 2 weeks of availing this service. One email a day LLC offers this for free. Then you start paying for it.
Once subscribed this mail management service, the recipient can remain free from all the botherations of cleaning up the inbox. As the company sends all the mails clubbed in one mail, the inbox does not get littered with mails throughout the day. The recipient can select the time when he wants to receive that important one email from this mail management company. So, it is not much difficult any more to find out and read the mail you want.
One Email A Day on Facebook.
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